Interaction of solar jets with filaments: Triggering of large-amplitude filament oscillations

Manuel Luna

Hosted by Universitat Illes Balears (UIB), Palma de Mallorca, Spain on December 15, 2022


Some observations show that jets impact solar filaments producing large-amplitude oscillations in these structures. The seminar will consist of two parts. In the first part the model proposed by Luna & Moreno-Insertis (2021) will be presented. This work suggests a scenario for the generation of the jet and its interaction with the filament. It was found that there are two phases in the jet, eruptive and quiescent, associated with two different reconnection phases. Jet flows emanating from the reconnection regions collide with the prominence producing significant displacements of its heavy mass and large-amplitude oscillations are established. In the second part of the seminar, a recent work will be shown in which two observational case studies are analysed. The jet environment and how it impacts the filament is studied in detail. The oscillations of the filament are also studied and seismology is applied to infer the structure and intensity of the magnetic field. We conclude that both cases presented are consistent with the numerical model.

Authors: Reetika Joshi, Manuel Luna, Brigitte Schmieder, Fernando Moreno-Insertis & Ramesh Chandra

Recorded video