Transverse oscillations in coronal loops and photospheric driving: combining high-resolution coronal and photospheric diagnostics together

Nicolas Poirier

Hosted by Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics, University of Oslo, Norway on October 3, 2024


Sustained kink oscillations in coronal loops have long been observed in TRACE, SDO/AIA, and more recently in SolO/EUI images. Although their properties are quite well-known now, their driver and excitation mechanism remain under active debate. In this talk I will give an overview over the different ideas/theories that discuss the role of photospheric driving in the generation of kink oscillations. We exploited an unique dataset of high-resolution coronal and photospheric observations taken recently by SolO/EUI/HRI and the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST) respectively during a dedicated coordinated campaign run in October 2023. Using the SST/CRISP data we estimated and quantified the strength of photospheric driving at the footpoints of active region coronal loops, that include pore, plage, enhanced-network and sunspot regions. We then looked at kink oscillation signatures in the same coronal loops within the EUI/HRI coronal images. An attempt was then made to link the photospheric and coronal results together. I will finally discuss the implications of this work on the driving and excitation mechanism of kink oscillations, and future perspectives.

Recorded video